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Wyatt Bitz

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 I value hockey. Hockey is really really fun.  I think it’s important to play a sport and be active.  I like to be pushed to be the best I can be.  I value family.  I like hanging out with family.  And the reason I get to play hockey is because my family supports me and gives me opportunities. I value church.  The more you go to church, the closer you get to God.  Because of Covid, people are getting stressed, and not able to go to church as much.  So they can’t put their worries away because they can’t go to church.  I also value school. I think its very important to learn.  I have a nice teacher.  He takes us outside when we don’t have gym, and he gives us art not just pencil work. Every day he asks us an interesting question.

 During Lent, we do liturgies every week at school.  My class did one in the second week of Lent about the hands of Christ.  We can use our hands in a negative way (to hurt people) or in a positive way (to help people).  This year, I had a terrible first week of Lent, but starting in the second week, I gave up pop and chips.  And I can only have popcorn on Saturdays when Hockey Night in Canada is on TV.  And I gave up video games except on the week-ends.

I think its really important to go to church.  Church keeps you close to God.  I also like church because we have come to know a lot of people there.  Just before Covid, I started altar-serving.  I liked doing that; it’s a way to serve the church.  It gave me something to look forward to when we went to mass.  


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